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英文名: UFOs - Just The Facts
发行时间: 1997年09月05日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
支持Windows 3.X/95/98/98SE/ME/2000/XP/2003,MacOS系统。
There is a remarkable amount of multimedia UFO information on this product: government reports, tape-recorded eyewitness statements, a current research section, reports on the 1947 UFO incident at Roswell as well as "Area 51," with its five-mile runway, video of reputed UFO sightings, UFO history and lore, photographs, and a 500-plus item bibliography. The hardest thing about using the disc may be installation?it requires both QuickTime and Adobe Acrobat, as well as the usual install?and it cycled fairly slowly on our 100 MHz machine. On the plus side, there is very up-to-date information ondisc and the presentation is entertaining and clever: for instance, the opening screen shows a tipped-over office wastebasket, with icons of all the disc access points strewn onto the floor (an audiocassette, maps, manila folders, etc.). The cross-section of information from a variety of sources sets this apart from other, more highly speculative resources. Bottom Line: With all the interest in the subject, this disc may get more of a workout than your indexes and abstracts on CD-ROM. Recommended for public library, circulating, and personal collections.
本产品中有相当多的有关飞碟的多媒体信息:政府的报告,目击者陈述的录音,目前的研究组的报告,关于1947年在罗斯威尔的飞碟事件以及有着五英里的跑道"51区",被誉为不明飞行物踪迹的影片,飞碟的历史和传说,照片,以及500多项的书目。有关使用光盘最困难的事情可能是安装?光盘同时需要QuickTime和Adobe Acrobat,以及作为一般安装?而且在我们的100 MHz的机器上运行的相当缓慢。另外一点,光盘上有着最新的娱乐性和权威的信息和介绍:举例来说,开场显示办公室踢翻的废纸篓,地上所有光碟接入点的图标(1盘录音带,地图,文件夹,等等)。各种来源信息的交叉区域与其它独立开来,更多专题性很高的资源。结束语:对该主题有兴趣,这片光碟可能比你略读和吸引光碟得到更多的体验。推荐给公共图书馆,传阅,及个人收藏。
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